Monday, September 9, 2013

NZ SMC Visa Application

Our case officer's decision arrived yesterday via email. Feeling a mixture of emotions, we didn't know how to react but just opted to offer a thanksgiving prayer to God. Thankful and happy because my husband's visa was granted, better than getting rejected. A bit disappointed because my baby and I won't be able to join my husband in NZ because he got a JSV (Job Search Visa) or Work Visa – used to be called WTR or Work to Resident Visa. We learned that a partner used to be granted JSV as well. That is no longer the case now.

Same CO who reviewed our application granted the same visa type to a friend of mine who's single. She's now in NZ and has been looking for a job since July of this year. We heard that most families get RV or Resident Visa but recently COs are limiting provision of RVs to applicants. We think we answered well during the interview and submitted complete documents. My husband who is the primary applicant is an Application Programmer and has been in the IT field for 5 years now.

Could it be that COs base their decision on NZ government's list of current and urgent job vacancies that needed to be immediately filled in? We'll see what will happen but I guess the momentary separation is beneficial to our marriage. As always, we need to look for the silver lining in every circumstance.

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